MCAM has launched its total supply through Halving Method that give Pricing Stability and growth, MCAM will release total supply in next 25 months, first month MCAM released 10% and after 1st month 3% per month of Total Supply. Total supply of MCAM is 6 million with auto burn of 2.5% of each transaction. MCAM stands for Moneda Crypto Asset Management is a Defi (Decentralised Finance) ecosystem redefining the crypto world with its solitary technology, unique features and utility in true means. Today onwards MCAM can be used for real meaning as moneda launched its first tokenized project to empower its users, holders and associates as well as to nurture the industry. MCAM is entering in Meta-universe, through play to earn gaming industry.
Get MCAM – This is the perfect time to earn passive income from MCAM, MCAM is one more impressive affiliate program where investors have unlimited possibility to get maximum return there is five types of income with Solitary Referral program.